Military Radar Summit
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Dec 19, 2017

Military Radar Summit

26 February, 2018 - 28 February, 2018, Arlington, VA, United States

Tools, Technologies, and Techniques for Advanced Radar Systems

With increasing hostility and changing international relationships occurring globally, there is a clear need to substantially increasing our detection capabilities of foreign assets great and small. With threats like UAV's becoming increasingly difficult to detect, due to their slow travel and small characteristics, advancing radar technology is critical. Every second counts!.

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With this in mind, the US Armed Forces' leading military radar operations and acquisition experts have been tasked with improving small target detection, SWAP-C, resiliency to electronic warfare, interference management, modular upgrades, and autonomous radar assets. In order to accomplish this, the military has put out a number of significant RFPs and requirements. It will take a seamless collaboration of the top agencies, OEMs, military branches, and contractors to achieve these goals.

Military Radar Summit 2018 brings together the key stakeholders to learn, share and connect on radar resiliency, catch up to foreign developments, implement the newest scientific capabilities, overcome functional challenges, and upgrade your existing resources.

Ground Based Air Defence Systems - Market and Technology Forecast to 2032

Ground Based Air Defence Systems - Market and Technology Forecast to 2032

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Why Attend?

  • Better Understanding on military and government needs and processes for acquisition, in order to secure the bid.
  • Discover New Emerging Technologies and innovative strategies, improving interoperability and radar capabilities to enhance operation efficiencies.
  • Test New Technologies during our Demo Drive, evaluate and analyze new technology to advance operations.
  • Hear from key thought leaders in the Radar community including the latest challenges and requirements for the next generation of radar technology
  • Join Our Technical Training Day to get an inside perspective and learn more about cognitive radar, spectrum challenges and supporting domain awareness.


Topics we'll cover include:


  • Transforming the Battlefield Sensor Network
  • Next Generation Radar for Contested Environments
  • Upgrades in Military Radar for UAVs
  • CExtending and Upgrading the Capabilities of Existing Radar Assets
  • Patriot Missile's Reinvention - Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits (MMIC) at Work
  • Future Intelligent Military Radar - Cognitive Radar and Autonomous Machine Intelligence
  • Advancements in Ground Radar Technology
  • Bistatic/ Multistatic Military Radar for UAV Swarms
  • Very Low SWaP-C Military Subsystems and Components
  • Modular Upgrade Opportunities in Major US Radar Efforts

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Meet the Speakers

  • Joseph R. Guerci, IEEE Fellow, IEEE Warren D. White Award, IEEE
  • Luke Miller, EW/ISR System Architect, Xilinx
  • Torreon Creekmore, Program Manager, Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity
  • Anthony Martone, Senior Scientist, Army Research Laboratory
  • Joseph Bucci, Deputy Program Executive Officer, PEO IEW&S, US Army
  • William Baldygo, Chief, Multi-Domain Sensing Autonomy Division, Sensors Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory
  • Braham Himed, Technical Adviser, RF Technology Branch, Air Force Research Laboratory

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