The key player has launched a new defence report, now available on ASDReports.
Hyperspectral Imaging refers to sensing devices that allow users to perform high-resolution spectroscopy to identify and visualize the different objects at a significant distance from the observer/user. Hyperspectral Imaging technology is of vital importance when detecting minute quantities in dynamic environments. In military field, Hyperspectral Imaging sensing technology is used to identify threat materials such as chemical warfare agents (CWAs) and explosives at safe distances. Thermal imaging, Optical Spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and squared lasers are some of the most common imaging technologies used within this market.
Leading companies featured in the report who are developing Military Hyperspectral Imaging market includes BAE Systems, Ratheon Company, Elbit Systems, Leidos, Maxar Technologies, Surface Optics, Telops, among others. Featuring 100 Tables, 121 figures and 182 Pages.
Market forecasts by Region, Sensor type, Type, and by End-User. Country Analysis, Market and Technology Overview, Opportunities and Impact Analysis, and Leading Company Profiles
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